Ryozen Roadmap - Join us on the way to the launch!

The Ryozen Roadmap is here!

The Ryozen launch on Kickstarter is getting closer and closer! That's why we couldn't keep going without giving you the Roadmap, our little gift for you who follow us with such passion.

What is the Roadmap and how does it work?

The Roadmap is a special page where you can find everything about the campaign. Initiatives, goodies and exclusive updates will be collected on a timeline that you can already see.

Each step is represented by a treasure chest. When the time comes, on the date indicated, each treasure chest will be opened to reveal useful information.

all the links in one place

Everything you’ll need to participate in initiatives and access special content will be collected in the Ryozen Roadmap. Just come back to the same page to keep track of the many things we'll be doing to engage and reward our returning or new backers!

be the first to know when something’s up

Scroll the Roadmap to see the future! Each and every step has a date and a color, so that you will be able to predict what’s coming and when, and how important that update will be.

bgg special

Roadmap updates will also be featured on BGG. Subscribe to Ryozen on BGG to get notified and see exclusive previews of chest content a couple of days in advance.