Lusma – Guild of Faith

We are so excited to introduce the fifth Guild of Ilvash! Thanks to our backers on Kickstarter, we have been able to expand Mysthea to include a 5-player mode. So, first of all thank you so much to all of you who have supported us. We love this process because it helps us improve the game we have worked so hard on!

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MystheaTabula CrewLore

Leheir was once the leader of a rebel group. Now, she wants to take part in the exploration as an act of redemption for past sins, hoping that in this new land there will be something that can bring her honor once again.

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MystheaTabula CrewLore, Champions
Varorin: Guild of Merchants

Varorin, the Merchant Guild, represents the interests of merchants, bankers and everyone involved in commerce. The sole goal of the Varorin Guild is to create wealth and they see the new islands as possible sources of abundant resources. They fund the expedition and their chosen Champion in hopes of great returns.


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MystheaTabula CrewLore, Guilds